Vincent Clerc to take over as Søren Skou retires from the helm at Maersk

   Release date: December 12, 2022      Hits: 5941    Comment: 0    
Note: AP Møller Maersk CEO Søren Skou is to retire in January, with CEO of OceanLogistics Vincent Clerc set to take over on

AP Møller Maersk CEO Søren Skou is to retire in January, with CEO of Ocean & Logistics Vincent Clerc set to take over on 1 January.

Mr Skou has led the company since 2016, with a brief to transform the firms from a diversified shipping, transport and offshore company to an integrated logistics company.

“Now is the right time for Maersk, for Vincent and for me to make this transition,” said Mr Skou.

“We have never been stronger financially and we have an inspiring and visionary plan for the continuation of our global integrator strategy that will guide Maersk for many years to come.”

Mr Clerc also thanked Mr Skou for his leadership and added: He added: “Our transformation momentum remains strong, and the past years of disruption have clearly confirmed that we have the right strategy. We see enough challenges ahead that impact us all, and where Maersk can make a difference. Companies are rethinking their supply chains in this new environment; they are looking for more stability and more support on their decarbonisation journey.”

Decarbonisation, according to Mr Clerc, is a business opportunity Maersk is “eager to seize”.

Chair Robert Uggla also paid tribute to Mr Skou, saying he’d contributed to the group’s development over almost 40 years: eleven as CEO of Maersk Tankers; four as CEO of Maersk Line; and close to seven years as CEO of Maersk.

“During his tenure as CEO of Maersk, Soren has been instrumental in redefining Maersk into a customer-centric end-to-end logistics provider with a global leadership position.”

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