Truck, rail, and air freight are all important methods of shipping

   Release date: September 01, 2022      Hits: 5800    Comment: 0    
Note: Truck, rail, and air freight are all important methods of shipping, and each has a role to play in today’s supply chain landscape. However, when it comes to moving huge quantities of goods around the world, ocean freight shipping is still the undisputed c

Truck, rail, and air freight are all important methods of shipping, and each has a role to play in today’s supply chain landscape. However, when it comes to moving huge quantities of goods around the world, ocean freight shipping is still the undisputed champion. 

From cars to toys to industrial chemicals to food, the goods that consumers rely on every day often arrive via ocean freight shipping. Marine shipping is the transportation method for 53 percent of U.S. imports and 38 percent of U.S. exports—a greater share than any other logistics mode. Almost any business that wants to participate in international trade will need to use ocean freight shipping to some degree. 

For businesses that are new to navigating the complex world of ocean freight shipping, it’s important to have some basic knowledge about the industry first. From shippers to carriers, to brokers and beyond, it can be challenging to untangle the many interconnected elements of the marine freight industry. 

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